This month, everyone is welcome in to send the FIRST chapter of the story. You completely make up whatever you want - it must be Neopet related, but you can put in your own original characters as well. Other than that, you have full rein. This first chapter you will send to me at or neomail to pinkittygirl. I'll post it here, and on the 20th, the voting will begin to decide what the first chapter of our story will be. Then we will have another contest next month to determine what the next chapter, and so one until we finish the book in December!
1. No plagarizing; everything you write must be written by YOU, no exceptions!
2. You may include a drawing to go with your chapter.
3. I said write a CHAPTER not a novel =) Please try to keep it below
eight paragraphs.
4. Only one entry per person.
5. Please be a good sport!
The prize is a personalized graphic, a permanent link here, and 3000 neopoints! Good luck to everyone!
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