Our Adoption Agency is located at tsp_adoptions. We adopt pets and take care of them until they can find new homes. Our main feature is that we make the pets more likely to be adopted by using the Secret Laboratory. Our Agency Pet is Oo_peace_diso_oO but all of the rest are up for adoption!!
Precautions we take: Adopting a pet is dangerous business. Many a time people are one *CLICK* off and the pet goes to some other neopian. However, we do take some precautions and have some tips that helps the chance of you never getting your pet less likely BUT NOT UNLIKELY. [Note: if it has a DIY in front of it, it means *you* have to provide/do something.]
1. [DIY] You may send us a cheap petpet to put on your pet that
we will name tobeadoptedby_username.
2. We update the PetPage with a huge note. It goes like this:
If this owner is not [username], then I have been adopted
by the wrong person! Please help me get back to my REAL
owner! I was an adoptee at the tsp guild. REWARD IF RETURNED.
3. [DIY] If you pet does get adopted by the wrong person and
you offer neopoints in return for your pet, it will probably increase
the likely hood that you get your pet back.
4. We add something like the what we've written on the petpage onto
the pet description.
Anyways, here are the instructions for how to do this.
* You must have three pets or less.
* You can only adopt one pet every two months.
* Do not get upset if the pet is lost again. You may try again for another
pet in a week if we cannot get your pet back.
* One month after the request it becomes void.
Pets up for adoption:
Lipmton [called for by KJ]
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