Information   Archived Guild Updates
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November 27, 2003/Katie[what_is_up_wit_dat24]
TSP Mystery Pic has been launched. Click . Remember, if you think you know the answer, send me, Katie, a neomail, and i'll respond if you have the right or wrong answer.

October 31, 2003/Katie[what_is_up_wit_dat24]
Happy Halloween Everyone! Gifts are in the trades. Remember, you have to be a part of TSP to get one :D

September 22, 2003/Cara[pinkittygirl]
A new layout on both the guild website and here :D Made by me ^__^ Ryan[jeremiah_freed_girl..] won the giveaway ^__^ Congrats!

September 13, 2003/Cara[pinkittygirl]
There have been updates but I forgot to record them! -_-;; So sorry. All that has been updated today was that we have a new affliate: The Grey Faerie Guild :D Isn't that wonderful?

August 20, 2003/Cara[pinkittygirl]
The Guild Website has been updated again. The newsletter has 4 submissions, thank you darkwarrior1423 and...myself :P We also have a newly added " Archived Guild Updates" page because we are running out of room here.

August 18, 2003/Cara[pinkittygirl]
The Guild Website has been updated. Check it out for guild information, contests and more!

August 9, 2003/Katie[what_is_up_wit_dat24]
Hey all! Working on this box! Anyways, the faerie and codestone exchange is coming back soon! i've started a collection of all the faeries and codestones, which i have just completed. I will notify you all when the exchange is up and running! I will also fund 1k to each member that brings a new member that becomes a part of the guild! (limited to first 10 ACTIVE members per person)

August 9, 2003/Cara[pinkittygirl]
The TSP Guild Website has been updated! Mind you, the content is still very bare but I will be updating regularly to it. Please feel free to visit it and sign the guestbook! I will be looking into the next soon-to-be updating stuff soon, so keep in touch!

August 8, 2003/Cara[pinkittygirl]
The Secret Places in undergoing a major revampment ^__^ I have just made a new layout for the guild called 'Simple and Clean' after the song by Utada Hikaru. The song was also used in the very cool game Kingdom Hearts. Myself and fellow guild council members will be working to evolving TSP into a very active guild again. Below are the soon-to-be updated stuff:

When we have brought everything that we used to have back to tip-top shape, we will begin adding new things to the guild! So stay tuned and if YOU want to join in & help out, feel free to join ^__^


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