If you break any one of these rules at any given time, you have a WARNING. If you break 2+ at the same time, or break another rule after your warning you have a SUSPENSION for at least 4 days. If you break manage to break three rules at the same time, or over a period of time, you will be EXPELLED.
1. Purposely Causing Arguments We, as a guild, will not tolerate any behavior that results in arguments. You are not fight with the guild council/special members who have used their powers to delete a message that they believed to be inappropiate or suspend/expell you. The guild council will not make any decisions that inhibits your ability to enjoy being in the guild, but we do hold the right to "keep the peace".
You are not asked just to be respectful to the guild council members and special members; you also must be respectful of other neopians. We do not mind hearing negative opinions, as long as they are constructive - but we will not allow anyone to attack members of the guild. You are not to make any personal attacks on a person - if you make even ONE prejudiced remark because of race/sexual orientation/gender or whatever, you will be suspended/expelled without a warning depending on the severity of the attack.
2. Text rules We will kindly ask you to change your font if any guild council or special member deems it illegible. If you do not comply within a reasonable amount of time, you will recieve a warning. Please do not continously use that font simply to annoy others. Signatures can be anything you wish - you may even use those annoying fonts if you wish, but do not post anything that is inappropiate.
3. Accusations No one, and I mean NO ONE, but the guild council members and special members are allowed to accuse anyone of breaking any rules. We are perfectly capable of handling any rule-breakers by ourselves, thank you.
4. SPAM SPAM, are messages that defeat the purpose of even posting it. Messages must be a be three sentences long - if you are unsure try for two inches of writing. Do not repeatedly post the same message over and over in order "be funny". Do no post messages that say something to the effect of "if you post this 10 times, you will recieve something good". Make an effort to use correct spelling, grammar and puctuation. Any messages that are deemed to hard to read by the guild council will be deleted. These are not allowed and will be deleted. Repeated offenses will results in expulsion.
5. Sponsering an unauthorized activity Only guild council members
and special members WITH permission are allowed to sponser an unauthorized
activity. You are allowed to suggest ideas, but do not start one without
permission. This is in order to protect members from scams. If you do
start one, you will be warned. If you do not stop the contest and return
all items and neopoints to members, you will be expelled.
Note: Members who are scammed because they participated
in an unauthorized activity did so at their own risk, therefore the
guild is not responsible for redeeming your items or neopoints.
For the following offenses, you wil be EXPELLED immediately.
Important Notices: